2013年10月3日 星期四

The Game Features and Basic Rules of LoL

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS(Real-Time Strategy) with RPG(Role-Playing Game) elements. Two teams of powerful champions, each with a unique design and playstyle, battle head-to-head across multiple battlefields and game modes.


There are now 115 champions in League of Legends, and there will increase at any time. Each champion has his/her unparalleled skills and abilities so that game players will gain interest and delight in every game, improving the familiarity of each champion.


There are three roads that connect your base to the enemy's. These roads are called lanes, and they will serve as the ways against the enemy team. To win a game, you will have to push out your minions on the lanes into the enemy base and destroy the nexus at the core of their base.


Minions are AI-controlled soldiers that made at the nexus and march down each lane toward the enemy base, attacking enemies they encounter along the way. Minions prefer to fight each other, but will attack your champion if they find him alone in lane. They will also switch targets to focus on you if you attack a nearby allied champion. Scoring the killing blow on a minion earns valuable gold for your champion, so it's an important means of becoming rich.

Turrets are powerful defensive structures that defend each lane at the intervals, attacking enemies that come within their range with deadly beams of energy. Like minions, they prefer to attack targets other than you, unless you engage another champion while within range.


Inhibitors are located where each lane meets the base on both sides of the map. Destroying an inhibitor creates a powerful super minion each time a new minion wave spawns in that lane. Super minions are extremely durable because of its outstanding attack and value of life. Inhibitors respawn after five minutes, so be sure to press your advantage during this time.

The Nexus

At the core of each base lies the nexus. Protected by two turrets in front of it, the nexus is the structure that periodically manufactures minion waves in each lane. Once a team has destroyed the enemy nexus, the game is over and that team is declared victorious.

The Jungle

Between the lanes lies the jungle, an expanse filled with neutral monsters. These monsters won't attack the enemy base, but they can be defeated for additional gold and special temporary buffs. A player may take on the role of jungler and use these areas as his primary source of income. Junglers typically roam between the lanes, coming to the aid of allies in lane when needed.


In a game of League of Legends, your champion earns gold by taking down enemy units and structures, and neutral monsters as well. You can use your gold to purchase powerful items to strengthen the abilities of your champion. Different champions and play styles excel with different item builds, so your strategy will inform your purchases.

8 則留言:

  1. Hello,
    I'm 洪煒晴, I am not good at playing LOL......(I just level 10)
    My id is 0o晴o0
    Nice to meet you.

    1. We can play together if there is a chance.
      My ID is 亂點就不小心.
      Nice to meet you, too.

  2. Hi :D
    SKT T1 won the champion =O=
    Nice to meet you :)
    (My ID is 玥星祈)

    1. I saw LOL World Championship Season 3 yesterday.
      It's a high-quality game.
      Nice to meet you, too.
      My ID is 亂點就不小心.

  3. Though I haven't play League of Legends before and I think that I won't play it in the future either, I always enjoy watching the PV of the game and your video do provoke my interest to read your next blog.

  4. Hi I'm馮柏翔
    My ID Is 粗黑大電鰻
    LOL is a very fantastic game!

    1. My ID is 亂點就不小心.
      Let's enjoy this fantastic game!!
