2013年10月8日 星期二

The 5 Major Positions of a Team in Summoner's Rift

This video is about the remarkable game of FNC vs EG.

    In summoner's rift, a 5 vs 5 map in League of Legends, each player have a unique position in his/her team. They are Attack Damage Carry (ADC), Ability Power Carry (APC), Support (SUP), Jungler (JG) and Tank. These five positions are changeable and concurrentable, for instance there is a team with two APCs and no Tank, but in every game you can usually find them because the distribution of positions has been accepted and trusted for a long time.

Attack Damage Carry (ADC)

     ADC is the most important position in a team because he/she is responsible for damage output of the whole team by normal attack. As a result, ADC must have high attack damage and attack speed.

Ability Power Carry (APC)

    APC is a position which needs to become wealthy the soonest because he/she is responsible for instantly killing enemies by spells, especially the enemy's ADC. Therefore, APC needs high ability power and short cooldown.

Support (SUP)

    Support is such a busy position that it is not easy to be skillful. His/Her jobs are keeping ADC's life, making ADC get wealthy more quickly, bothering enemy's ADC and SUP, expanding the team's visible area, and so on. Some support champions even have Crowd Control (CC) ability to handicap the enemy.

Jungler (JG)

    Jungler should kill neutral monsters to get the gold. What's more important, he/she have to help the allies by ganking (gang killing) the enemy on the three lanes. Ganking can enhance the economic strength of allies and bring up the superiority, approaching the victory of the game. To gank enemies, JG usually has some CC or Sudden-Sprint abilities.


    As mentioned literally, Tank's job is absorbing damage from the enemy during pitched battles in order to make allies escape from death. To sustain the enemy's damage as long as possible, Tank needs high armor, magic resist and health.

7 則留言:

  1. Well, I make up my mind not to understand what happened in the video after one minute. For a layman of lol, all I feel about the video is just a clamorous aside roaring=.=. However, your introduction is good!

    1. It is because there are so many things happened in a few seconds, and the anchor wanted to totally report them to the audience.

  2. you make a good introduction for people who first play LOL. Though I do not play LOL, however, I am interested at it after reading your blog.

    1. Thank you for your reading. And, welcome to the world of LoL!!

  3. My main position is Support. How about you?

  4. In my opinion, the position "APC" won't appear in the latest game since there's more and more AD bruisers that go mid lane like Talon, Zed, Pantheon, Jayce, and so on.
    By the way, I usually pick Ezreal MID in ranked games to be against some assassins:)

  5. I usually play "top" "AD" or "JG"
    It's very hard to play~XDD
