2013年10月29日 星期二

The Bottom Lane of Summoner's Rift

    Bottom lane (Bot) is located literally at the bottom side, and it is as long as Top. However, there is a big difference between Top and Bot. In fact, Bot is a duo-lane, which is also called a shared lane (and 雙人線 in Chinese), while Top is a solo lane. Duo-lane means there are two champions situated at Bot, and the bottom laners usually include one ADC and one Sup. 

    Most ADCs are marksmen (射手); that is to say, an ADC usually has remote basic attacks (遠程普攻), so ADCs can output their damage far away from the enemy. ADC's tasks are just farming and executing enemy champions in order to gain wealth and then enhance their attack damage (物理攻擊), attack speed (攻擊速度), life steal (普攻吸血), armor penetration (物理防禦穿透), critical strike chance (暴擊機率), movement speed (跑速), and so on. A successful ADC can escape from enemy's spells, basic attacks and ganking.

    There are some partial Sup's tasks below:
1. Do not last hit enemy minions or champions because it will make ADC's growth slower.
2. Put wards into important bushes to prevent enemy's ganking.
3. Bother enemy bottom laners, like CC them or cutting down their health.
4. Keep ADC's survival, like helping ADC run away or healing ADC.

   In the above picture, red area is Bot, yellow shows the first turrets, and blue are the places Sup should put wards in.

    At the end, I want to show you two latest champions, Lucian and Jinx. They are both suitable as ADC.

2013年10月22日 星期二

The Middle Lane of Summoner's Rift

    Middle lane (Mid) is the shortest lane in Summoner's Rift; thus, Mid is always considered the most important lane because one team can go to the enemy's base from theirs through Mid sooner than through Top or Bot. 
    Mid is, like Top, usually a solo lane, so the only middle laner should do all he/she can to farm and execute the enemy middle laner.

    Middle lane champions are almost APCs, but you can seldom see some assassins shoulder the responsibility of Mid. It is because the instantly powerful damage of an assassin won't be lower than APC's.
    Generally speaking, every laner can gank other enemy laners if it is possible. However, middle laners gank more often than top and bottom laners because Mid lies in the center of Summoner's Rift. The convenient location causes the fact that middle laners are easy to gank other enemy laners. But on the contrary, middle laners are easy to be ganked due to the same reason: its convenient location.

    In the above picture, red area is Midyellow are the first turrets, and blue are the bushes that a middle laner needs to pay more attention to.

    At the end, I put a video of Ahri's introduce. Ahri is a typical APC.

2013年10月15日 星期二

The Top Lane of Summoner's Rift

    Top lane (Top) is one of the three lanes in Summoner's Rift, while the other two are middle lane (Mid) and bottom lane (Bot). Top lane is usually a solo lane, which means there is only ONE champion that appears on top lane. Thus, top lane champions, who are able to be in charge of the top lane, are approximately tanks, assassins, and even AP carries.

    In laning phase*, a top champion should keep farming* as much as possible like the other two laners. What's more important is that a top champion has to survive form enemy's ganking by JG, so wards* are needed to put in bushes in order to see enemy JG who may hide in them. On the contrary, a top champion can also call his/her teammate JG to gank the enemy for economic advantage.

  (*Laning phase: an early period of a game that all the champions without junglers are staying at the three lanes, killing enemy minions and champions to become wealthy for items and get experience for level up, and trying to destroy enemy's first turrets as well)

  (*Farming: To get gold from enemy minions, a champion should get the last hit of each minion; that is to say, farming is an action for laners to earn gold from enemy minions.)

  (*Ward: an item that has the ability to make its surrounding area visible for all the allies, usually put in bushes or jungle area)

Best Top Lane Champions

    Actually, there are too many choices of champions for top lane, almost all in LoL as long as you are very skillful, but here are some representative champions recommended by people and appeared in some professional games.

Akali  the Fist of Shadow

Cho'Gath  the Terror of the Void


Darius  the Hand of Noxas

Dr. Mundo  the Madman of Zaun

Elise  the Spider Queen

Fiora  the Grand Duelist

Galio  the Sentinel's Sorrow

Gangplank   the Saltwater Scourge

Garen  the Might of Demacia

Hecarim  the Shadow of War

Irelia  the Will of the Blades

Jarvan IV  the Exemplar of Demacia

Jax  Grandmaster at Arms

Jayce  the Defender of Tomorrow

Kennen  the Heart of the Tempest

Kha'Zix  the Voidreaver

Lissandra  the Ice Witch

Malphite  Shard of the Monolith

Maokai  the Twisted Treant

Nasus  the Curator of the Sands

Nautilus  the Titan of the Depths

Olaf  the Berserker

Pantheon  the Artisan of War

Poppy  the Iron Ambassador

Quinn  Demacia's Wings

Renekton  the Butcher of the Sands

Riven  the Exile

Rumble  the Mechanized Menace

Shen  Eye of Twilight

Singed  the Mad Chemist

Tryndamere  the Barbarian King

Urgot  the Headsman's Pride

Vi  the Piltover Enforcer

Vladimir  the Crimson Reaper

Warwick  the Blood Hunter

Wukong  the Monkey King

Xin Zhao  the Seneschal of Demacia

Yorick  the Gravedigger

Zed  the Master of Shadows

2013年10月8日 星期二

The 5 Major Positions of a Team in Summoner's Rift

This video is about the remarkable game of FNC vs EG.

    In summoner's rift, a 5 vs 5 map in League of Legends, each player have a unique position in his/her team. They are Attack Damage Carry (ADC), Ability Power Carry (APC), Support (SUP), Jungler (JG) and Tank. These five positions are changeable and concurrentable, for instance there is a team with two APCs and no Tank, but in every game you can usually find them because the distribution of positions has been accepted and trusted for a long time.

Attack Damage Carry (ADC)

     ADC is the most important position in a team because he/she is responsible for damage output of the whole team by normal attack. As a result, ADC must have high attack damage and attack speed.

Ability Power Carry (APC)

    APC is a position which needs to become wealthy the soonest because he/she is responsible for instantly killing enemies by spells, especially the enemy's ADC. Therefore, APC needs high ability power and short cooldown.

Support (SUP)

    Support is such a busy position that it is not easy to be skillful. His/Her jobs are keeping ADC's life, making ADC get wealthy more quickly, bothering enemy's ADC and SUP, expanding the team's visible area, and so on. Some support champions even have Crowd Control (CC) ability to handicap the enemy.

Jungler (JG)

    Jungler should kill neutral monsters to get the gold. What's more important, he/she have to help the allies by ganking (gang killing) the enemy on the three lanes. Ganking can enhance the economic strength of allies and bring up the superiority, approaching the victory of the game. To gank enemies, JG usually has some CC or Sudden-Sprint abilities.


    As mentioned literally, Tank's job is absorbing damage from the enemy during pitched battles in order to make allies escape from death. To sustain the enemy's damage as long as possible, Tank needs high armor, magic resist and health.