In laning phase*, a top champion should keep farming* as much as possible like the other two laners. What's more important is that a top champion has to survive form enemy's ganking by JG, so wards* are needed to put in bushes in order to see enemy JG who may hide in them. On the contrary, a top champion can also call his/her teammate JG to gank the enemy for economic advantage.
(*Laning phase: an early period of a game that all the champions without junglers are staying at the three lanes, killing enemy minions and champions to become wealthy for items and get experience for level up, and trying to destroy enemy's first turrets as well)
(*Farming: To get gold from enemy minions, a champion should get the last hit of each minion; that is to say, farming is an action for laners to earn gold from enemy minions.)
(*Ward: an item that has the ability to make its surrounding area visible for all the allies, usually put in bushes or jungle area)
Best Top Lane Champions
Actually, there are too many choices of champions for top lane, almost all in LoL as long as you are very skillful, but here are some representative champions recommended by people and appeared in some professional games.
Akali the Fist of Shadow
Darius the Hand of Noxas
Dr. Mundo the Madman of Zaun
Elise the Spider Queen
Fiora the Grand Duelist
Galio the Sentinel's Sorrow
Gangplank the Saltwater Scourge
Garen the Might of Demacia
Hecarim the Shadow of War
Irelia the Will of the Blades
Jarvan IV the Exemplar of Demacia
Jax Grandmaster at Arms
Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow
Kennen the Heart of the Tempest
Kha'Zix the Voidreaver
Lissandra the Ice Witch
Malphite Shard of the Monolith
Maokai the Twisted Treant
Nasus the Curator of the Sands
Nautilus the Titan of the Depths
Olaf the Berserker
Pantheon the Artisan of War
Poppy the Iron Ambassador
Quinn Demacia's Wings
Renekton the Butcher of the Sands
Riven the Exile
Rumble the Mechanized Menace
Shen Eye of Twilight
Singed the Mad Chemist
Tryndamere the Barbarian King
Urgot the Headsman's Pride
Vi the Piltover Enforcer
Vladimir the Crimson Reaper
Warwick the Blood Hunter
Wukong the Monkey King
Xin Zhao the Seneschal of Demacia
Yorick the Gravedigger
Zed the Master of Shadows
Nautilus is so cute!!! >_<
回覆刪除How dare you forget TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMO!!!!!!!!!!