2013年11月21日 星期四

My Favorite Champion --- Teemo

Teemo   the Swift Scout

    Teemo is my first champion that I have played in LoL, and I love him very much not only because he is undoubtedly cute but also because his spells and abilities are outstanding. The above picture shows some Teemo's skins.

Captain Teemo Pentakill(五連殺)

Toxic Shock

    One of Teemo's abilities called Toxic Shock is that his basic attack can poison the enemy and then cause additional AP damage, so he needs high AP to enhance this powerful skill.

You can switch to 0:40 to see how the mushrooms work.

Noxious Trap

    Another feature of Teemo is the supreme ultimate, Noxious Trap. Teemo can use it to place an invisible mushroom which will exposure if the enemy step on it, causing damage and slowing surrounding enemies. The mushrooms can exist 10 minutes after being put in the ground.
    This ultimate really annoys most players. If one step on enemy's mushroom, he will say," What? Oh Noooooooooo!" and be poisoned. However, if the enemy step on one's mushroom, he will laugh out," Hahahaha, I got you!!!!"

Teemo Must Die!!!!!!

    Due to his excellent abilities, many players in games will first kill Teemo as soon as Teemo got into their sight. Some players even say," Teemo must die!!!" and make some videos and paragraphs to condemn or taunt Teemo. But I think that Teemo is very very cure!!! You guys don't need to do that.

    There is an official statistical data, which shows how many times Teemo had been executed on page 2 and some interesting information.

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